The first step of a business venture is founding a company, whether it is an Ltd,
limited partnership, close company or sole proprietorship. If you assign our
company to do the bookkeeping, we offer a discount from the fee of company
There are many types of companies and accountants using the same basic
principles, still offering very different quality in the field of bookkeeping, the
services and the tasks to be done. What we offer is a complex solution adapting
to the structure of your company. We also do the accounting in the company’s
own Enterprise Resource Planning system, as an assigned Accounting Officer,
even in English. We are accountable for the job we complete. Our bookkeepers
have many years of professional practice in their specialist field.
Payroll accounting, social security administration
Full-scale payroll accounting including the classic payroll and labour tasks and
many more: we foster the implementation of such a remuneration system that
has the lowest possible level of taxes and contributions to be paid but still offers
a fair wages system for the employees. We manage all the necessary tasks
including the family allowances and sick leave administration.
Tax consultancy
Would you like to reduce the taxation and contribution payment obligations of
your business? We can help you in this. Tax consultancy and taxation planning
make a significant level of cost reduction possible if you assign professionals
with analysis and creating the taxation strategy. The first tax consultancy is free
of charge. Feel free to ask your questions.
Product charges administration
We offer product charges administration for commercial companies, including
the following tasks: – Registration of obligation to the relevant directorate of
NAV – Registration needed for submitting reports electronically – Making
mandatory registers for tax reports – Compiling and submitting supplementary
reports, reports, self-auditing – Availability and representation in case of
inspections, subsequent tax controls – Auditing and reviewing product charges
administration – Consulting on product charges
Representing the company before authorities
Beyond the ordinary administration you can get unpleasant surprises in case of a
Tax Authority, NÉBIH, EKAER or other inspections but as long as you are our
company’s client, there is no need to worry, we solve all these for you.
2310 Szigetszentmiklós
ÁTI sziget ipari park 11.
Expert Irodaház II. emelet